
OrgBuilders 2024

Strong and resilient organisations are the foundation of lasting social movements. This year-long programme of coaching, practical support and guidance, and structured peer support, supplemented by our detailed toolkits, will support you to identify your organisational goals and priorities and put them into action. It is designed for social justice organisations at early and growth stages or those in a period of transformation who are looking to make changes and improvements to ways of working.

For a breakdown of the different elements of the programme and a timeline of the year, please read our Programme Overview (pdf). You can view a plain text version here.

Fill in this form to apply

Deadline to apply

March 17, 2024

This programme's applications are now closed. Check back later to apply for the next round.

In partnership with

Key outcomes

  • To develop foundational knowledge of values-based, anti-oppressive approaches to strategic and organisational development.
  • To build confidence in leading on strategic and organisational development within your organisation.
  • To identify your organisational development goals, and have a safe and supportive base for experimentation and growth to achieve these goals and put anti-oppressive approaches into practice.

Who is this training for?

We’re looking for leaders of social justice organisations, either in emerging or early stages or in a period of transformation. In line with our principles of collaborative leadership and shared power, we invite two applicants from each organisation, who will work together throughout the course to take their learning from OrgBuilders forward into their organisation.

Find out more in our Application FAQs

What does the programme involve?

This programme begins in April 2024. It takes place over 12 months and consists of coaching, training and peer support. We estimate a time commitment of about 1-2 days a month for attending coaching, peer-support sessions, and taking your learning and reflections forward into your organisation, plus a total of 4 days to attend in-person days at the beginning, mid-way, and towards the end of the programme.

opening quote
OrgBuilders has been enriching for both the organisation & for me individually. It has given us the grounding & sense of stability that we really needed, especially at a time of growth and change. The coaching in particular was instrumental in getting us through all the doubts & fear that comes from trying to organise from a starting structure.
Berta Martí Chicote, Nanny Solidarity Network
closing quote

Application process

Fill in the form below by Sunday 17th March, 23:59. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a follow up discussion on Thursday 21st March or Monday 25th March to see if the programme is a fit for you and your organisation at this time.

If you have any difficulties filling in this form, please email

For an informal chat about the programme, please attend one of our drop-in sessions on 06/03/24  or 11/03/24 (click on links to book) or contact:

Application Deadline: Sunday 17th March, 23:59


This programme is free for grassroots and community organisations and we operate a sliding scale price for other organisations based on size and income.

  1. Grassroots/Unpaid Organiser: Free, or donation of £200-£500
  2. Small Org (Annual turnover of under £100,000): £1500
  3. Medium Org (Annual turnover of £100,000 - £500,000):  £3000
  4. Large Org (Annual turnover of £1m+): £6000

Note: These fees are flexible and we don’t want cost to be a barrier to anyone applying – you can drop us a line about this or outline your needs in the application form.

Running date

OrgBuilders runs from April 2024 for 1 year, starting with 2.5 days of in-person training from 25th - 27th April 2024 (location TBC).

Additional information

NEON is committed to anti-oppression. You can read more about our approach here. All of our programmes have anti-oppression built into their design.

  • There will be opportunities to tell us about access support for the programme during the application process.
  • We offer support with e.g. printed materials, travel costs, childcare should participants need this. For the residential element of the programme, we will provide accommodation and your meals.
  • During the application process, if you require support with the application process, or have questions about access support on the programme, please contact